"Launch out into the Deep"
TEXT: LUKE 5:1-7
SUBJECT: “Launch out into the Deep”
Look with me if you will in Dr. Luke’s account of the Gospel and here in the 5th chapter of Luke and I want to drop anchor this morning at the first seven verses.
On this our Pastor’s 13th Pastoral Appreciation service I’d like to preach for a few moments from this thought
“Launch out into the Deep”
Allow me to take my time and walk through these seven verses and see if we can pull out some Golden nuggets to encourage each and every one of our hearts today.
For as we drop anchor we find in the first verse people pressing up against Jesus to hear the word. And that Jesus saw an empty boat by the sea shore and men washing there nets.
And the bible says that Jesus entered the ship of Simon Peter and told him to push out into the water and there Jesus sat down and began to teach the people.
Sometimes Pastor you may have to push away from the shore in order to preach and teach the word to the people.
And after he had finished teaching, He told Simon to Launch out into the Deep. Now let me just pause here for a moment if you will. There are times in life Church that you to will need to launch out into the deep even when you don’t feel like launching out. For many times there is a blessing waiting in the deep waters.
Pastor, there is a vision that God has given you for this ministry and the only way to get it is by “launching out into the deep”.
There are some people in this house right now that’s under the sound of my voice that God has showed you and told you what he wanted you to do. But because you will not leave the shore and Launch out into the Deep you can’t get them done.
But I wonder today is there any body here in Mt. Olive that is willing to leave the shore and the shallow water and Launch out into the Deep!
The next verse says that Simon answered Jesus and said; Master we have toiled all night long and haven’t caught anything at all. But nether-the-less at Thy Word I will drop my net again.
Now this is one of the problems we have in the church today. God tells us to do something that we may have already tried and instead of doing it again at His command we start talking about what we have already done.
Don’t you know that He knows what you have already done and failed He wants you to do your work over so that He can bless you this time.
And let me encourage our Pastor today by telling him there are some things that you have tried to do and they didn’t work and God is telling you to do it again.
And you may be wondering why do it again; if it didn’t work he first time; and the answer is because the first you tried to fulfill your vision it wasn’t your season to do so.
BUT THIS IS YOUR SEASON TO DO ALL THAT God has placed in your spirit for this church. So al you have to do now is Launch out into the Deep!
And when you launch out don’t forget to drop you net. For you see Pastor Collins when you get out into the deep and you drop your net God has a blessing there waiting for you.
For the next verse says; that when that dropped their nets in the water that they caught a great multitude of fish to the point that their nets broke.
Let me see if I can help somebody right here. Church when you obey God you will reap the harvest of obedience. For the Bible says that Obedience is far better than sacrifice.
I left Dayton, OH. To stop by here this morning to encourage my father, and my pastor to Launch out into the Deep and drop your net so that you can get all that the Lord has for you.
For the bible says that when Peter and the brethren Launched out into the Deep they caught so much that there nets broke; And they that they had to call other ships over to help carry the overflow of fish.
So that leads me to believe Pastor that when you Launch out into the Deep that there will be an over flow of people who are out there in deep waters waiting you to drop down your vision so that they can come aboard and help you carry it out.
And the Word says that they filled both ships till they began to sink. That says to me Pastor that when the over flow comes it may seem as if your vision is going to sink. But don’t be afraid to Launch out into the Deep.
Let me encourage the church for a moment for as I said earlyer the pastor is not the only one who needs to Launch out into the deep.
For God has given each and every one of us a ministry. And in order to full fill our ministry then we have to leave the shore and the shallow waters and Launch out into the Deep with the pastor!
You have something that you have wanted to do for the longest outside of the church but you won’t leave the shore line or the shallow water to get it
It may be a business that you want to do but your faith is not at the level where you will Launch out into the Deep!
I just stop by to tell you on today that its time to Launch out into the Deep!
Pastor Collins it’s your season to Launch out into the Deep. Far too long you have tried to please every one else and wait for everyone to get on board with your vision.
But don’t you wait for people just Launch out into the Deep and drop your net and watch what the lord allows you to pull up from the deep.
When you drop you net in the deep there’s an anointing waiting on you.
When you Launch out into the Deep and drop your net you will find Joy unspeakable waiting for you.
When you Launch out into the Deep and drop your net will find more Power than you thought you had.
When you Launch out into the Deep and drop you’re net you will find strength for the journey ahead.
I’m sure that after 13 yrs of being Pastor here at MT. OLIVE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH; you have gotten discouraged by things that you have seen and heard.
But I want to encourage my Spiritual Father and my Pastor; to just take sometime and Launch out into the Deep and drop your net and just wait for the over flow to come.
And I want to encourage you the church that it’s time for you to get off the shore and out of the shallow water and Launch out into the Deep with the Pastor.
For when the over flow comes he’s going to need somebody to help him pull in the overflow of new converts.
So church if you will do me a favor as I close this message and prepare to take my seat. I want you to help me encourage our Pastor and say with me; <> Pastor Collins <> Launch out <> into the Deep!
And when he Launches out into the Deep <> And when the LORD allows him to catch sinner men, women, boys and girls <> If you are willing to help our pastor bring in the catch, <> say Yes, say yes; somebody lift your hands and say Yes!!!!!!!!!